About us

About the Blogger

Hi,everyone! I'm Nina, a 19 year old girl who lives in England and has been blogging since 2011.

As you might be able to guess, I love reading- I have done since I was four. This love has been encouraged by my parents, teachers, and librarians, and it has grown throughout the years.

I don't have as much of a “type” in terms of books, any more. It used to be only horror or fantasy where people died spectacularly, hence the name of the blog, but since then, I've developed a love of many genres. I have a personal interest in reading diversely, especially books featuring LGBTQ characters, but I'll read almost anything,

I'm currently in my first year of university, studying Classics and French. It's wonderful to mix with people and get to enthuse about my subjects, even if the workload leaves me with little time to do extra reading for the blog!

My twitter and tumblr are the places I update most frequently. My twitter is for conversations, and sharing my enthusiasm for things as ideas come to me. My tumblr is a blog full of less-booky interests, such as musicals, swing dance, Shakespeare, languages, and pretty things.

Since I started blogging, I have had some amazing opportunities. I have spoken to many people, bloggers, authors, industry people, journalists, and other readers. I have attended signings and conventions and social events full of book lovers. I have read many things I probably wouldn't have done without other people encouraging or asking me to read them. I have helped organise and speak at a TEDx conference about why you should read diversely. I have had a brilliant time, and I hope these times continue!

About the Blog

Death, Books, and Tea was founded in February 2011. Stephanie, a fellow member of The Noisiest Book Club in the World (my school's book club) told me about her book blog, about all the fun she had running it, and I decided to give it a go, with my friend Katy, who left because she had a)too many things going on.

Here on Death, Books, and Tea, you'll mainly find book reviews, but since 2014, I've been getting more and more into theatre, and I hope to write more theatre reviews too. You'll also find interviews, guest posts, and giveaways, as well as larger events like The Month Before Halloween and Rainbow Reads.As tastes and workloads change, the content and frequency of updates on Death, Books, and Tea will as well. I hope you enjoy your time looking around, and please do get in touch if you have something you want to say!