Saturday 24 March 2012

Book Review-Forgiven by Jana Oliver

Forgiven (The Demon Trappers, #3)Title: Forgiven
 Author: Jana Oliver
Series:  The Demon Trappers #3
Published:  1 March 2012
Length: 407 pages
Warnings: Violence
Source: Publisher for review
Other info: the other two books in the series, Forsaken and Forbidden have been reviewed here. Book four, Fortold, should be out later this year.  The US title is the same for once. 
Summary : Riley has made a bargain with Heaven, and now they've come to collect.
Lucifer's finest are ruling the streets and it seems that Armageddon might be even closer than Riley imagined. But with her soul and her heart in play it's all she can do to keep herself alive, let alone save the world. Riley's not afraid of kicking some major demon butt, but when it comes to a battle between Heaven and Hell, she might need a little help...

Since I put down Forbidden, I've been looking forwards to reading this one. To find out what happened to Riley, what happened about her and her relationship with Ori, and what happened with Heaven and Hell and Earth generally. Put very simply, it didn't disappoint, but it didn't blow me away either.
We get right into Riley's life from the start, most likely because, being book 3, you should have read books 1 and 2 and gotten used to her. She's not completely off the hook, but she's doing fairly well. In comparison to how her life could be. In comparison to how her life will be.
It definitely draws you back in to the world of the trappers. And keeps you there. There's a lot of events that keep building up and building up until a really amazing climax.
The old characters are built up even more, especially Beck. I quite like the fact each boy/man in Riley's life gets their own book to shine (or not, in Ori's case). Ori's situation through the majority of the book...was...hard to get used to and imagine. But also quite funny. New characters, I seriously hated Justine, even though we don't see that much of her. She's a very hatable character. Despite this, I'd like to see more of her. Just because she's getting somewhere, and it'll be interesting to see where it all ends up. And Ayden is still my favourite.
The big climax was a little annoying in that I couldn't remember Sartael cropping up in the other books, even in the smallest mention, so when he was brought in as someone quite major, I wasn't sure why I should case about him. Aside  from that, it was really really good. The six pages in which  Lucifer and Michael verbally fight made this book infinitely better.

Overall:  Strength 4 tea to a great continuation to a fun and clever series. Definitely want to read book four, Fortold.

1 comment:

  1. I have been wanting to read the series. Glad to see that it is a good series to read. Love you blog. New Follower.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous


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Nina xxx

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