A Tale of Two Cities

Illustrated classic, English, Sterling ; Indonesian, Elex Media ; English, Wordsworth Classics
I've never actually read this, so I can't comment on the suitability of these, but I have to say the Indonesian is my favourite. Guillotine covered in roses? Pretty....
A Christmas Carol

English, Stephen Skelton ; Italian, Mondadori; German, Hayne
None of these are particularly great... but I think the German has the cutest depiction of Scrooge. I think it would be nice to have one with the ghosts on the front.
Oliver Twist

Spanish, Transalantic Press; English, Modern Library; French, Dodo Press
I like the simplicity of the English edition, but the French cover is nicely done too.
Great Expectations
![Great Expectations [Japanese Edition]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/611P51MQRQL._SL500_AA300_.jpg)

Japanese, Shinchosha; Russian, Detstvo. Otrochestvo. Yunost; English, Penguin Classics
I like the illustrations that come on the front of the English, and I get the idea that it's carried on inside. But the Russian is so pretty, and you just wonder about what Estella is doing... I like the Russian cover best.
I know I could go on and on...but I won't. What do you think of these covers? And are there any covers for his other books that should have been mentioned here, but weren't? And is anyone doing anything special for Dickens' 200th?
I LOVE CHARLES DICKENS! One of my favourite classic authors!