Author: Rebecca Lim
Series: Mercy #1
Published: 28 October 2010 by HarperCollins
Length:281 pages
Warnings: angels,(highlight for possible spoiler)implied rape and abuse, a little romance,
Source: Library
Other info: Book 2, Exile is now out. Muse is expected for later this year and Fury should be out next year.
Summary : There’s something very wrong with me. I can’t remember who I am or how old I am, or even how I got here. All I know is that when I wake up, I could be anyone. It is always this way. There’s nothing I can keep with me that will stay. It’s made me adaptable. I must always re-establish ties. I must tread carefully or give myself away. I must survive.
Mercy doesn’t realise it yet, but as she journeys into the darkest places of the human soul, she discovers that she is one of the celestial host exiled with fallen angel, Lucifer. Now she must atone for taking his side. To find her own way back to heaven, Mercy must help a series of humans in crisis and keep the unwary from getting caught up in the games that angels play. Ultimately she must choose between her immortal companion Lucifer and a human boy who risks everything for her love.
Review: Mercy is an angel who has to take over someone's body for an indefinate amount of time in order to try and sort out something going on between heavenly beings. This time she's in Carmen's body, and taking part in a singing competition, in a town called Paradise. Here in Paradise she meets Ryan, whose sister went missing and everyone thinks is dead. Not Ryan though. Then another girl goes missing in vaguely similar circumstances, and Mercy decides she's going to try and rescue them both. Even if that does mean everyone might know she's an angel. Oh well.
The concept is fairly interesting. I don't normally read angel-centric books, but this has a different spin on them, with the female main character being one rather than the normal male love interest. I also like the idea of her being forced to take over someone else's body as opposed to having one of her own.
The plot was good and possibly slightly slow getting started, but once it got started, it was very good. I liked the way the mystery was brought in slowly as it mixed in with the getting used to the being in Paradise, then took over the last part for an interesting ending.
I liked Mercy a lot. The way she had to adjust to life in her new body without a clue as to what was happening was realistic and showed that she was a strong enough character to handle it. Ryan I didn't like until we finally got to learn a bit more about his sister, and were presented it as the reason he was so distant(not sure if this is the best word to describe it, but it's something like that) to Mercy at the start. The supporting characters were interesting somewhat, but weren't the best.
Even though it was written from Mercy's point of view, I felt kind of detached from what was going on. However the pacing was good and the writing flowed well.

Overall: Strength 3 tea to a new spin on angels.
I have heard good things abuot this series but I dont know if its me... I might give it a go at some point!